Graz, Austria, 25. 9. 2008
Todays creation process is already digitally informed in much of the media sector. Nevertheless the methods used remain bound to the pre-computer era. Generative Computer Graphics in contrast offer new approaches that do justice to the potential that lies within New Media.
If someone comes up with an idea for a media production he first has to realize it. That takes time. And if you change the idea you have to start from scratch. Does it have to be like that? What if you could “explain” your ideas to the computer so he then carries them out automatically and variably? That would save time, money and nerves. That's exactly what the Generative Method does. The diploma thesis “Coded Beauty” offers some interesting insights into this method.
The reader is confronted with the principles of the Generative Method and the potential that lies within. Thereby this thesis constantly crosses the boundaries between computer science, natural science, mathematics, design and art. Programs as creative material. Mathematics and science as creative playground. Art as Design.
But still people who think like that are rare. But those who are create astonishing works. Looking at people like Joshua Davis or Mario Klingemann who create Generative Computer Graphics you can already see the possibilities that lie within this method. There are several fields of application for the Generative Method like visuals, music videos and data visualization.
For those who can't see what this is all about by now should read the thesis and have a look at the program accompanying it. With this program everyone, not only programmers, can explore the potential of the Generative Method. With simple examples everyone can find a starting pointing. From there on the only barrier are the own ideas.
Further Information: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Kräftner, +43 (0)676 773 46 47,